Wednesday, October 21, 2009

My oh My

ZZZ... since when writing less is harder then writing more?
Since when something so simple is so hard?

Man... stresss~ ahahahhahahahahhhahahahahahahahhahahahahhahhahahahah
o.O O.o o.O O.o

Friday, October 9, 2009


Obviously my efforts to post new things on this blog has failed miserably. I blame World of Warcraft. =D

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Im back... hopefully =D

After being inactive for so long.. i realised i need a new hobby instead of playin wow, dota, yumcha and chilling. Right now i'm gonna try to post my thoughts on certain things here regularly i hope... =D

Thursday, January 22, 2009


"I'm "Lost in my thoughts

Sorry For the empty promises

And The false hope that

I Gave

Miss Me not

You Deserve much better in my eyes"
